Configure WorkZone Mass Dispatch

Note: This topic is targeted at WorkZone administrators who will configure WorkZone Mass Dispatch.
  • SmartPost must be activated and configured.
  • An e-Boks dispatcher that is configured to use the Digital Post 2 must exist.
  • See Configure dispatchers in the WorkZone Process Administrator Guide.

You configure Mass dispatch in WorkZone Configurator.

  1. In WorkZone Configurator, go to Process > Processes.
  2. Point to the Mass dispatch process.
  3. Click Edit process parameters.
  4. Enter values for the parameters.
Note: Some of the Mass dispatch parameters are similar to SmartPost process parameters.
Parameter Default Description



Select the origin of the created SmartPost message. The possible settings correspond to the entries in the custom domain ACTOPR, for example SP, SmartPost, DP, Digital Post, and so on. The organization must provide this information. The setting is shown on the document in the Origin field in WorkZone Client.


10485760 (10 MB)

When a user starts a Mass dispatch process, the Mass dispatch process calculates an estimated size of each of the messages sent to the recipients. Before the Mass dispatch process continues the process, the estimated size is compared with the MaxCombinedMessageLength setting. If the estimated size exceeds the specified value, the user is asked to reduce the size of the documents and then try to send the message again.

The reason for this is that large documents may cause the Workflow Host to run out of memory later in the flow, which causes workflows to be terminated without the user being notified.

Generally, the default value is used.



The e-Boks material that will be selected by default in the Start mass dispatch dialog box.

To configure e-Boks materials, click Process > E-boks material. See Configure e-Boks materials in the WorkZone Process Administrator Guide and e-Boks materials in the WorkZone Configurator Administrator Guide.



The default dispatch sequence that will be selected by default in the Startmass dispatch dialog box.

Important: The selected dispatch sequence must have e-Boks as the first dispatcher.

To configure dispatch sequences, click Process > Dispatch sequences. See Configure Dispatch Sequences in the WorkZone Process Administrator Guide and Dispatch Sequences in the WorkZone Configurator Administrator Guide.

Verify this value after successful installation. After installation, the dispatch sequences may have been renumbered.

The print type that will be selected by default in the Startmass dispatch dialog box.

To create or reconfigure print types, click Process > Print types. See Configure print types in the WorkZone Process Administrator Guide and Print types in the WorkZone ConfiguratorAdministrator Guide.



Select the report you want to use for the history document.



Select the report you want to use for the validation report.



Select the report you want to use for the recipient report.



The document type of the history document that is generated by the Mass dispatch process.



The document state of the history document that is generated by the Mass dispatch process.


{0}: {1} {2}

A template that is used to create the title of the history document. By default, the template has placeholders for the process type {0}, the process title {1}, and a date stamp {2}.

Note that for the history documents in CSV format, the merge field {1} for the process title will always be:

  • "Mass dispatch history" for the entire dispatch.

  • " Mass dispatch history per recipient" for the individual dispatches.



Enter a default case title that you want to apply to recipient cases.

The title is shown in the Case title template field on the Recipient cases tab in the Start mass dispatch dialog box.



Enter a default title that you want to apply to letters that are generated by the Mass dispatch process.

The title is shown in the Letter title template field on the Recipients tab in the Start mass dispatch dialog box.



Select a default document type for the generated letters.

The document type is shown in the Document type field on the Recipients tab in the Start mass dispatch dialog box.



Select a default document state for the generated letters.

The document state is shown in the Document state field on the Recipients tab in the Start mass dispatch dialog box.



Turn on this parameter if you want to add recipients as parties on the generated letters.

The Add document parties check box will be selected by default on the Recipients tab in the Start mass dispatch dialog box.



Select a default role for the parties that will be added to the generated letters.

The role will be selected by default in the in the Party role field on the Recipients tab in the Start mass dispatch dialog box.



Turn on this parameter if you want to add recipients as parties on recipient cases.

The Add case parties check box will be selected by default on the Recipient cases tab in the Start mass dispatch dialog box.



Select a default role for the parties that will be added to the recipient cases.

The role will be selected by default in Party role field on the Recipient cases tab in the Start mass dispatch dialog box.



Select the custom document field that holds the values.



Specify which custom document values are allowed. Users will only be able to select documents (letter document and attachments) with these values in the Start mass dispatch dialog box.



The maximum document classification that is allowed to be used with the Mass dispatch process. Documents with higher classifications than specified for this parameter will not be available for selection in the Start mass dispatch dialog box.


Select the CPR status codes that you want to exclude from the mass dispatch. You can select 80, Inactive, emigrated or 90, Inactive, dead.

The status codes that you specify will be shown as default values in the Start mass dispatch dialog box.



Specify how many letters you want the Mass dispatch process to send in a batch. The batch size affects performance and the frequency of status updates that are shown in the preview pane in WorkZone Client.

You can set the batch size from 0 and up to 5000 letters. If you set the batch size to 0, all letters will be sent at the same time.

A batch size between 200 and 1000 letters is recommended.

The default batch size is 200 letters.



The ID (GUID) of the history document that is generated by the process.



Select a document group that will be applied to the generated letter documents.



Turn on this parameter if you want to add the facets from the case template to recipient cases.

If selected, the Copy facets check box will be selected by default on the Recipient cases tab in the Start mass dispatch dialog box.

See also Processes in the WorkZone Configurator Administrator Guide.